Friday, September 30, 2011

Short Story 8 - Daughters of Eve

This is the eighth short story in my Counting Down the Days book, currently a work in progress. We have so far taken a sneak peek into other short stories in this collection viz: The Right to Remain Silent, Networking or not working, The Dilemma, Power to the People, Counting Down the Days, Nothing and The Vigilante.

Daughters of Eve

In this story, Noel discovers that the issues he's always had with members of the female gender were not entirely unfounded. He realizes, albeit the hard way, that it is impossible to understand women. He concludes that a man can never know what a woman truly wants. Even more tragic, women are largely oblivious to what it is that they want.

Since meeting Noelle, he changes his life a lot, to better accommodate the love of his life with a view to spending the rest of his life with her. It is a passionate relationship, one that is predicated on promise, liberal physical relations and overly-endearing language.

Fast however, is how the relationship ends. Much faster than a fiscal quarter. Noel quickly realizes that nothing is ever what it seems and that reprimanding loved ones is a delicate act that has unpredictable results. Most of all, he painfully realizes that there is nothing as complex as the daughters of Eve.

My Current Reads

In the recent past, I've been taking time to read archived articles by both Chris Anderson and Malcolm Gladwell. These two best selling authors have an ideological relationship that sometimes portrays them as frenemies. All in all, I love to indulge in their insightful writing, it is thought provoking and good fodder for wiser decision-making.

While not reading the aforementioned articles online, I'm taking time to read Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant. A very good book that invariably reminds me of Safaricom Ltd.

Have an awesome weekend guys!